
Stephane Desobry

ENSAIA - Université de Lorraine

Stéphane Desobry, is an Engineer in Food Industry from the National School of Agronomy and Food Industries (ENSAIA, 1989) and holds a Ph.D. in Food Sciences from Université de Lorraine (UL-I.N.P.L., 1991).

He is a Professor at ENSAIA, and his research focuses on food science, specifically on biomolecules, preservation, and packaging. He has authored over 190 scientific articles with an H-index of 44.

He coordinated the “Impact Biomolecules 2017-21” project, bringing together 130 researchers from 18 laboratories at Université de Lorraine, with a budget of 9 million euros.

He is a member of the strategic orientation committee for bioeconomy in the Grand Est region and also leads the “Biomolecules and Biomaterials for Regional Bioeconomy” project (3BR – 2019-23) with a budget of 3 million euros.

Stéphane is a co-leader of two networks set to launch in January 2024: (i) the interdisciplinary program “Bioeconomy, Biomolecules Sciences and Engineering (B2SE – 10 million euros),” involving nearly 200 researchers, and (ii) the federation “The one Bioeconomy,” comprising approximately 350 researchers and educators from the bioeconomy field in the Grand Est region.