Speaker Claudine Manach

Claudine Manach
Senior Scientist
INRAE's Human Nutrition Unit in Clermont-Ferrand, France
Claudine Manach is a senior scientist at INRAE’s Human Nutrition Unit in Clermont-Ferrand, France.
She is interested in interindividual variation in response to food, and has been working on polyphenols for over 20 years. She has published over 120 scientific articles and book chapters. In the field of polyphenols, her research aims to improve the assessment of individuals’ exposure to polyphenols and other food phytochemicals, and to better understand how interindividual variation in their absorption and metabolism can affect their effects on health. She uses non-targeted metabolomics based on mass spectrometry to 1) identify new biomarkers of plant food intake and obtain comprehensive profiles of food phytochemical metabolites in human biofluids, 2) explore interindividual variation in the absorption and metabolism of food phytochemicals and identify its main determinants, 3) investigate the relationships between individuals’ exposure profiles and health outcomes (ex: cognitive decline) in epidemiological studies. She is currently coordinating the European JPI-HDHL FoodPhyt project, “Food phytochemicals matters for cardiometabolic health” and has participated as WP leader in major collaborative projects such as the JPI-FoodBAll and the COST Action POSITIVE. She is leading the database PhytoHub, an open-access database on food phytochemicals and their metabolites, designed for metabolomics, and is contributing to various bioinformatic tools and databases developed by D. Wishart’s team in Canada, including BioTransformer, an tool for in-silico prediction of metabolism by human enzymes and gut microbiota.