Speaker Sergey Mikhaylin

Sergey Mikhaylin
Associate Professor
Université Laval
Dr. Sergey Mikhaylin is a professor in the Food Science Department at Laval University (Quebec City, Canada) and head of EcoFoodLab. He is a member of the Institute of Nutrition and Functional Foods (INAF), the Research Center in Dairy Science and Technology (STELA), the Joint Research Unit GastronomiQc Lab and the International Associated Laboratory on the Bioproduction of Natural Antimicrobials (LIAAN).
Dr. Mikhaylin develops his activities in the fields of sustainable development, eco-efficiency, recovery of by-products, waste management and high-voltage electrical treatments applied to the food sector. He is the author of more than 40 scientific publications in peer-reviewed journals. Additionally, Dr. Mikhaylin is co-chair of the GreenFoodTech International Conference.